City Line Florist

City Line Florist

Trumbull's local florist for 100 years and four generations!

Symbolic Flowers to Honor the Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is one of America’s favorite holidays. Full of BBQs with neighbors, friends, and family, parades, fireworks, and red, white, and blue, it is truly a festive summertime event that sweeps the nation. Here at… Read More about Symbolic Flowers to Honor the Fourth of July »

Beautiful Blooms for Veterans Day

  Every November 11, City Line Florist's Trumbull family, like so many other communities across the country, spends a day honoring those who have served in the U.S. military. We have special dinners, attend parades, and participate in observances throughout our area. We may take the time to reach out to a veteran who lives across the country or who we haven't seen in a while in order to communicate our gratitude. Veterans Day can be celebrated in a variety of ways ranging from poignant ceremonies to lively gatherings with a festive air. What to do if you're not with your vet this November 11 but still want to do something personally meaningful for him or her? How can you acknowledge their incredible efforts in a way that conveys your respect and best wishes? You can send some beautiful blooms, that's what. Read More about Beautiful Blooms for Veterans Day »
Posted by City Line Florist on October 27, 2017 | Last Updated: September 10, 2020 Veterans Day