City Line Florist

City Line Florist

Posted by City Line Florist on March 8, 2016 | Last Updated: November 6, 2020 flowers Plants

City Line Florist – Earth Day

earth dayWhen you hear Earth Day, what comes to mind? Festivals, parades, events and poster contests take place across the country on April 22, but you may not be aware that there are actually two official Earth Days. The history behind the observance is little known, but defiinitely interesting. Here at City Line Florist, we know how important plants and flowers are to the ecosystem, to our health and to our world – every day. Still, we hope you will enjoy these fun facts about one of the most globally recognized days on the calendar.


  • The vernal equinox (the first day of Spring) was the obvious day to hold the first Earth Day in 1970. At least that was the assertion of John McConnell, a San Francisco activist who felt that the day represented renewal, restoration and equilibrium; as as such there was no other acceptable day on which to celebrate Mother Earth.
  • Strangely enough, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson was simultaneously formulating his ow “first Earth Day”. Throughout the 1960’s, Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring had raised awareness about polluition and conservaton; a 1969 oil spill was the tipping point for Nelson, who felt legislation was imperative.
  • The Equinox Earth Day took place on March 21, 1970 a month before Nelson’s event. The San Francisco rally gained got the attention of the United Nations, who later proclaimed the day an annual observance. Equinox Earth Day is considered to be more scientific and naturalistic in scope; while April 22nd was established by Nelson to educate and empower Americans to demand governmental solutions to the problems plaguing the environment.
  • Earth Day is often celebrated over the span of a few days, making it Earth Week. Activities are planned nationwide, with tree planting campaigns becoming more and more prevelant.
  • The overwhelming success of Nelson’s April 22, 1970 Earth Day “Teach In” – with over 20 million Americans in attendance – is credited with spurring Congress to create the EPA, as well as legislate the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Protection Act.


At City Line Florist of Trumbull, every day is Earth Day, We invite you to come in to fill your home or office with plants, trees, ferns or flowers – they purify air, remove toxins, make us healthier and promote well being. We quite literally cannot live without plants – so this Earth Day, take a few home!