City Line Florist

City Line Florist

Trumbull's local florist for 100 years and four generations!

Get Ready, Our Holiday Gift Guide Is Here!

We're beginning to feel a lot like Christmas over here at City Line Florist, a sentiment we know you're probably sharing right about now. If you're feeling overwhelmed with the season's shopping demands along with its spirit, we understand that, too. In fact, we've made a Holiday Gift Guide to help. Consider it our gift to you. Among the merry and bright blooms and vivid green plants in our pages, we want to highlight another type of gift. One that will appeal just as much to the senses. One that makes a strong visual impact. One that no one could turn down. Yes, we're talking about sweets. Read More about Get Ready, Our Holiday Gift Guide Is Here! »
Posted by City Line Florist on December 8, 2017 | Last Updated: November 6, 2020 Holidays

Secret Santa Gifts For The Gourmand

This year, up your Secret Santa game. Wine, gag gifts, mugs with funny sayings on them - these are all fine gifts, but can also seem a little rote when they show up under the workplace tree at the holiday party. And while it may be hard to envision the perfect item for the gift recipient you drew this year, there is one crowd-pleasing gift that no one would pass up. Luckily, we at City Line Florist have it (and yes, you can keep one for yourself, we won't tell). Read More about Secret Santa Gifts For The Gourmand »
Posted by City Line Florist on December 1, 2017 Uncategorized

A Sweet Seasonal Gift for the Office

One of the best ways to truly get into the spirit of the holidays while you're at work is to add a dash of cheer to your own desk or work space. Whether that's a tinsel garland, the desktop Charlie Brown tree you bring out every year, a bountiful poinsettia - there are countless ways to stay festive while at work. But we at City Line Florist would like to single out one: the seasonal floral arrangement, sweet enough to conjure visions of sugar plums and fairies. Read More about A Sweet Seasonal Gift for the Office »
Posted by City Line Florist on November 17, 2017 | Last Updated: November 6, 2020 Uncategorized

Warm Up Your Thanksgiving Table

We're counting our blessings here at City Line Florist. At the top of the list? Flowers. There's so much joy in working with Thanksgiving flowers because we know they'll be gracing homes filled with family and friends. They help create a festive spirit and to reflect the season's abundance we're all so thankful for. There's no arrangement better able to do that than the centerpiece, which poses like a cornucopia (and sometimes is a cornucopia) in the heart of the dining table. Read More about Warm Up Your Thanksgiving Table »
Posted by City Line Florist on November 7, 2017 | Last Updated: October 15, 2020 Thanksgiving

Perfect Piece for Your Holiday Host

How ready are you for Thanksgiving? If the answer is very, then we suspect you've got your plans in place, and that they might include dining at someone else's home. And you wouldn't be alone; last year, nearly 50 million people traveled 50 miles or more to break bread with their loved ones, meaning that many people didn't actually play host themselves. So you may be all set, but we here at City Line Florist are here to remind you of one of the most traditional gestures you can make when showing up on your holiday hosts' doorstep, and that is offering them a host or hostess gift. Read More about Perfect Piece for Your Holiday Host »
Posted by City Line Florist on October 31, 2017 | Last Updated: September 10, 2020 Uncategorized

Beautiful Blooms for Veterans Day

  Every November 11, City Line Florist's Trumbull family, like so many other communities across the country, spends a day honoring those who have served in the U.S. military. We have special dinners, attend parades, and participate in observances throughout our area. We may take the time to reach out to a veteran who lives across the country or who we haven't seen in a while in order to communicate our gratitude. Veterans Day can be celebrated in a variety of ways ranging from poignant ceremonies to lively gatherings with a festive air. What to do if you're not with your vet this November 11 but still want to do something personally meaningful for him or her? How can you acknowledge their incredible efforts in a way that conveys your respect and best wishes? You can send some beautiful blooms, that's what. Read More about Beautiful Blooms for Veterans Day »
Posted by City Line Florist on October 27, 2017 | Last Updated: September 10, 2020 Uncategorized

Divine Dahlias for Fall

When you think of traditional Autumn florals, a few names probably come to mind. Sunflowers, check. Mums got em in spades. Rich red roses, yup. Arrangements are filled with these lovely standbys and accented by curly willow, wheat stalks, and cattails. But there's another flower we at City Line Florist would like to humbly submit to the list: the dahlia. Dahlias are statement flowers, to be sure, but they also bring an intricate beauty to any design. They keep you looking at the piece, and given that they come in an incredible range of nuanced colors, they can also complement all of the usual suspects above. Why not decorate with some divine dahlias for Fall? Read More about Divine Dahlias for Fall »
Posted by City Line Florist on October 20, 2017 | Last Updated: October 5, 2020 Uncategorized

Flowers to Show Kindness on Sweetest Day

Although Sweetest Day was established as a day to give candy to the down-and-out, it has evolved to be a day set aside to promote acts of kindness for those who may need cheering up. Telling someone "you're the sweetest" with flowers, candy, or gifts is a wonderful to let them know you support them. City Line Florist helps you to take every opportunity to express love and friendship to those you care about - so who in your life would love some flowers on October 21?  Read More about Flowers to Show Kindness on Sweetest Day »
Posted by City Line Florist on October 4, 2017 | Last Updated: October 7, 2017 Uncategorized

Past Pet Costume Contestants

One of the things we enjoy the most about being Trumbull's hometown florist is that we get to participate in your lives in a small way, every day. From new babies to anniversaries, from Thanksgiving centerpieces to Valentine's Day bouquets - flowers from City Line Florist have likely been a part of your celebrations over the years. We've shared happy times, and poignant times - and sometimes, we just like to have a little fun!  In preparation for some of our favorite holidays of the year - starting with Halloween - we thought we would share some memories from last year's Pet Costume competition. These photos still make us smile! Read More about Past Pet Costume Contestants »
Posted by City Line Florist on September 29, 2017 | Last Updated: September 10, 2020 Halloween